
Mouthbrooding Dwarf Cichlids from the Genus Apistogramma

Von Staeck, Wolfgang

Cichlid News Magazine, 28(1):22-27 Jan.-2019

" Species overview of the mouthbrooding species in the South American genus Apistogramma "

Mouthbrooding Dwarf Cichlids from the Genus Apistogramma

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Article statistics: six pages, ten illustrations, 1.2 MB pdf size.

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Klassifizierung: Artenübersicht, Südamerika.

Sprache: English

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Cichlid News Magazine vol. 28 (n. 1)

Staeck, Wolfgang. 2019. "Mouthbrooding Dwarf Cichlids from the Genus Apistogramma". Cichlid News Magazine. 28(1):22-27 (crc09213) (Kurzfassung)