Reproductive success in female Neolamprologus mondabu (Cichlidae): influence of substrate types

Por Takemon, Yasuhiro, K. Nakanishi

Environmental Biology of Fishes, 52(1-3):261-269 1998. DOI:

" Individual variation in body size, home range size, and reproductive success among Neolamprologus mondabu (Cichlidae) females were investigated with reference to substrate types in the littoral zone of northern Lake Tanganyika. Larger females occupied sandy substrates and smaller ones stony substrates. Female reproductive success, estimated as the number of offspring successfully released per month, was higher on sandy substrates than on stony substrates. This may be attributable to higher spawning intensity and better protection of broods against predators in open, sandy habitats. "

Clasificación: Comportamiento, Lago Tanganyika.

Idioma: English

Takemon, Yasuhiro & K. Nakanishi. 1998. "Reproductive success in female Neolamprologus mondabu (Cichlidae): influence of substrate types". Environmental Biology of Fishes. 52(1-3):261-269. DOI: (crc04011) (resumen)