
A Rediscovered Piscavore from Nawampassa: Pyxichromis orthostoma

By Steeves, Greg

The Cichlid Room Companion, 15-Jan-2007

" Lake Nawampassa has been a dream lake for aquarists and biologist, offering shelter to populations of otherwise extinct species once present in lake Victoria, whose fish fauna is now severely threatened by the introduction in the 1960's of the Nile Perch, that has brought destruction and ecological change to the big lake. Pyxichromis orthostoma, a once thought extinct piscavorous, is such an example of a species taking refuge in this small lake Victoria satellite lake "

A Rediscovered Piscavore from Nawampassa: Pyxichromis orthostoma

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Classification: Captive maintenance, Lake Victoria.

Language: English

Steeves, Greg. 2007. "A Rediscovered Piscavore from Nawampassa: Pyxichromis orthostoma". The Cichlid Room Companion (crc02296) (abstract)