
In Search of Etroplus Canarensis

作者 Kutty, Vinod

The Cichlid Room Companion, 2006

" A survey around the world looking for information about the elusive and rare Etroplus canarensis, lost for many years aned just recently collected for the aquarium hobby. A text with important questions about the future of this beautiful cichlid, as well as notes about its natural habitat and captive keeping "

In Search of Etroplus Canarensis


卖方: The Cichlid Room Companion

Article statistics: 3,991 words, 8 color illustrations, 1,761 kb pdf size.

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類別: 生态与保护.

語言: English

Kutty, Vinod. 2006. "In Search of Etroplus Canarensis". The Cichlid Room Companion (crc02263) (摘要)